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When parents wish to present their child for Baptism they are invited to contact Kim (Secretary) at the Parish Office, (01) 820 5480. Kim will discuss the dates of Baptism, take the initial information and arrange a meeting with the *Parish Baptism Team.
The policy of the parish is to have a number of children baptised together to create a true sense of joining a community of believers. Single baptisms are not encouraged.
*The Parish Baptism Team is a group of parishioners who serve to welcome and prepare families in advance of the day of baptism and attend the liturgy itself. They are a sign that baptism is never just a private family occasion but the parish and the universal Church also share in the rejoicing and responsibilities of having a new disciple.

The Second Vatican Council told us that the Eucharist is the Source and the summit of the Christian life. This means that it is the source from which we receive grace to live as Jesus wanted us to and it is also the summit or the highest point in the Christian life. Because of this the Eucharist has, right from the very beginning of the Church been a central part of the Christian life.
In the Acts of the Apostles we read that the first followers of the ‘Way’ met each Sunday, the day of ‘resurrection’ to celebrate the ‘breaking of the bread’. So coming together as a Christian Community to worship God and to partake of the Body and Blood of Christ has always been central to being a Christian. We continue this unbroken tradition by celebrating Mass in our parish every Sunday and you are very welcome to join us.

First Holy Communion
Not only is it an important event in the life of your child, their class, their teachers, and especially for you the parents/guardians, it is also a special time for the parish community. Your child’s faith journey began the day you brought your child to the Church to be baptised. And what a special day that was for you and the family. Now, that your child has grown, they are about to take another step in that journey, as they prepare for First Holy Communion. And we all have a part to play.
During this special time in your child’s faith story, each parent/guardian will be asked to take on a special role, to journey with their child as they prepare to receive the sacraments, because the religious instruction they learn in school is only secondary to what they learn about God from you at home. Our teachers do a wonderful job in preparing the children for their special day, but the home is the domestic Church, where our children are influenced by what they see and learn.
Dates for First Holy Communions 2025
Parents of children who will be presented for preparation for the sacraments of First Reconciliation and First Communion in 2025 should note that if your child was not Baptised here in St Luke's, Mulhuddart, you will need to supply a copy of their Baptismal Certificate in order to be eligible for these sacraments.
You can get a copy of a Baptism Certificate from the church where your child was baptised.
Ladyswell Saturday 5th April 2025
St Luke's Saturday 10th May 2025
Gaelscoil Saturday 17th May 2025
ETNS Saturday 24th May 2025

Confirmation celebrates the coming of the Holy Spirit. In the Acts of the Apostles (2:1-13), we read of the Apostles receiving the Holy Spirit. They had been hiding after Jesus’ death, afraid and uncertain. The coming of the Holy Spirit with his gifts inspired them and enabled them to take the step of preaching the good news.
We are made members of God’s family at Baptism. At Confirmation, our Baptism is completed or “sealed” by the Holy Spirit and we are called to be Christian witnesses, just like the apostles. The whole of our Christian living and the life of the Church, too, are sustained by the same Spirit.
Who Can Receive?
Any baptised Catholic wishing to advance on the path of developing their faith. For young people, this is usually part of the 5th/6th class primary school programme. For adults who were not confirmed as children, it means taking part in the Rite of the Christian Initiation of Adults (R.C.I.A.)
A sponsor stands behind the candidate for Confirmation at the Confirmation ceremony and places their hand on the shoulder of the candidate as a sign that they will support them in living out their baptismal promises. However, the role of the sponsor is not just for one day. The sponsor undertakes to assist the confirmed person in growing in the fullness of their faith and in their membership of the Catholic Church.
A person qualifies as a sponsor by being a reasonably mature adult, who is at least 16 years old, and has already received the Sacraments of Initiation, (Baptism, Confirmation and Eucharist) themselves. The Confirmation sponsor may be one of the people who was a sponsor at Baptism (subject to the notes here).
Choosing a Sponsor
According to Canon Law, in order for a person to be a sponsor, they must:
Be chosen by the candidate.
Be not less than sixteen years of age.
Be a Catholic who has been confirmed and has received the Eucharist.
It is not advised that the sponsor be the mother or father of the candidate, as they already have an important role in the candidate’s faith life.
Choosing a Name
The tradition of taking a new name at Confirmation emphasises the new identity of a Christian being called to witness to their faith. People are encouraged to take the name of a person who inspires them in some way, or a saint.
BEING CONFIRMED - Helpful leaflet: Download HERE
Dates for Confirmation 2025
Parents of children who will be presented for preparation for the Sacrament of Confirmation in 2025 should note that if your child was not Baptised here in St Luke's, Mulhuddart, you will need to supply a copy of their Baptismal Certificate in order to be eligible for these sacraments.
You can get a copy of a Baptism Certificate from the church where your child was baptised.
Ladyswell Thursday 3rd April 2025
St Luke's Thursday 8th May 2025
Gaelscoil Thursday 15th May 2025
ETNS Thursday 22nd May 2025

The Sacrament of Reconciliation (Confession) takes place on Saturdays after 6.30pm Mass and on Sundays after 10.00am & 12.00 noon Mass.
In this sacrament people are forgiven their sins by the words and actions of the priest. We call this ‘Absolution’. The priest represents God and the community who is affected by sin and the priest ministers forgiveness on behalf of God and the community.
Forms of Celebration
The sacrament can be celebrated in a one-to-one encounter with a priest (individual confession). Many parishes organise Penitential Services at special times; e.g. Advent, Lent and Parish Missions. In this form of celebration, people prepare as a community and many priests hear the confessions individually and people receive absolution individually.
Penance is a sign of sorrow and a commitment to try to make amends. It is also a sign of our sincerity to change our lives. This is what is meant by conversion.
When the Sacrament is a communal celebration, the penance is said as a community once all have had the opportunity to confess. When celebrated in the traditional one-to-one form, a penance is given and the penitent takes on that penance privately.

We are very sorry for your loss.
Funeral arrangements are normally made through the Funeral Director or Undertaker.
Please contact your local Undertaker and they will begin the process of making all arrangements necessary for a funeral.

If you are planning to get married here in St Luke's, please contact the Parish Office.
Need more information?
Please feel free to get in touch if you need any more information or if you have any questions