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Child Safeguarding & Protection Policy
The parish of St. Luke the Evangelist values and encourages the participation of children and young people in parish liturgies and parish activities in order to enhance their spiritual, physical, emotional, intellectual and social development.
We recognise the dignity and rights of all children and are committed to ensuring their protection from all forms of abuse.
This commitment is binding on all priests, employees and volunteers who work in our parish. It extends to the many and varied ways that children share in the life of the Church in our parish.
The parish works in partnership with the HSE and An Garda Siochána in all matters pertaining to the safe guarding of children. If you have a concern about child abuse you should contact:
GARDA (Blanchardstown)
(01) 666 7000
Child Safeguarding & Protection Service for the Archdiocese of Dublin
Holy Cross Diocesan Centre, Clonliffe Road, Dublin 3.
Telephone: (01) 836 0314
Email: cps@dublindiocese.ie
Website: www.csps.dublindiocese.ie/
Parish Child Safeguarding Representative
Margaret Nugent:
087 614 7421

Safeguarding Sunday takes place this Sunday, September 25 helping us to think about the importance of safeguarding inspired by this year’s theme, Safeguarding – A Gospel Value. To learn more, please watch the short video below and read/download a message from the Archbishop by CLICKING HERE.